Tuesday 20 August 2013


Kristina Svechinskaya,
a New York University student is one of the most common names
in the hacker’s world. She is Russian money mule maker who
was arrested on November 2010 and accused of breaking into
millions of dollars from several banks in Britain and America and
for usage of multiple fake passports. Svechinskaya was
dubbed "the world's sexiest computer hacker" for her
raunchy, but casual appearance. Svechinskaya used Zeus trojan
horse to attack thousands of bank accounts along with nine others
and opened at least five accounts in Bank of America and Wachovia
to disburse the theft money. For all her hacking activities and for
using the passports fraudulently it is said that she may have to pay
huge penalty of 40 years of imprisonment. It is estimated that
with nine other people Svechinskaya had skimmed $3
million in total.

System of life